
Heathkit® Legal

Heathkit Patents

Heath Company and Heathkit products are covered by one or more issued patents, including:

  • US Patent No. 10,219,398
  • US Patent No. 10,555,430
  • US Patent No. 10,806,045
  • US Patent No. 10,962,623
  • US Patent No. 11,469,505
  • US Patent No. 11,536,794
  • US Patent No. 11,864,311
  • US Patent No. 11,879,956

Heathkit Trademarks

Heath Company and Heathkit products are covered by one or more US and international trademarks, including:

  • Heathkit®
  • Heathkit Educational Systems®
  • Active Ruler™
  • BaroTemp™
  • d8apro™
  • Diameter Ruler™
  • DIY Experimenter™
  • Explorer™ AM
  • Explorer Jr™
  • Gold Certified Pre-Owned™ Heathkit®
  • Heath Engineering.™
  • Heath Rules™
  • HE-RObot®
  • HERO™
  • Most Accurate Clock™
  • Most Reliable Clock™
  • Personal Product Page™
  • Pipetenna™
  • Prepare To Succeed.™
  • Radius Ruler™
  • We won't let you fail.™
  • Make something useful.™

Trademarks of other owners, including without limitation those that may appear incidentally in publications of Heath Company or Heathkit, are the property of their respective owners.

Heathkit Copyrights

Heath Company and Heathkit products and publication are covered by copyrights, both through the Berne Convention internationally and through explicit registration. Heath Company and Heathkit publications are of world-famous quality, are valuable property, and are copyrighted worldwide by law whether or not marked.

"Fair use" provides no safe harbor for creating, transmitting, storing or selling copies of Heath Company or Heathkit publications in any format or medium. Copyright violators worldwide may be subject to automatic severe statutory penalties.

Heathkit Licenses

Heath Company and Heathkit research and development, internal tools and backoffice systems, publications, products and services may be covered by one or more of the following licenses.

"The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Heath Company is under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of their respective owners." Heath Company is a member of the Bluetooth SIG.